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Seminar: Supply Chain Digitalization and Smart Data Management
Despite the general economic crisis, the logistics sector is facing interesting times and big changes. Europe is rapidly moving towards cross-border digitization and an explosion of digital freight data is expected in 2024. In 2026, all EU countries must create the readiness to carry out supervision in transport based on digital waybills, but how do companies feel about it? Come and hear what experts from Digilogistics Center of Excellence (Digilogistika Keskus) and Tietoevry Create Baltic think about it.

Flagship Freight Information Digitalization Project eFTI4EU
On October 27th, 2023, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and a pan-European consortium signed a contract for 28.3 million euros, agreeing to fund the eFTI4EU project. The consortium consists of 22 partners, including 9 Member States (plus four Observers), with a unifying mission to pave the way for implementing electronic freight transport information (eFTI) architecture.

Digilogistics Center in Dubai — GITEX 2023 fair
In Europe, we have already shown ourselves and received confirmation that we have done something right by being the first to start sharing eFTI digital cargo information between companies and national supervisory authorities. Now is the time to take the next goal, and the whole world could be suitable for that.
Together with Exponaut and several other Estonian companies, we are exploring under Modern Village accelerator this playground this week in Dubai, at the world’s largest technology and startup fair GITEX 2023.

How to achieve carbon neutrality in road transport?
The EU aims to be carbon neutral by 2050, with new laws in place or under development. Commercial road transport CO2 emissions, however, will increase by 50% from 2018 to 2050 without action. To be carbon neutral, the industry and its regulators must decouple energy consumption from demand by driving efficiencies now, and at the same time, allow investment in alternative fuel technology and infrastructure for the medium term.

Longer and heavier car trains are allowed in Latvia from 2024
From the new year, 25.25 m and 6 t car trains are allowed in Latvia, they have been allowed in Finland and Sweden for years. Estonia also needs to negotiate this difference from the European Commission, because long car trains help to reduce the carbon footprint of road transport because larger quantities can be transported at the same time and thereby make better use of the road and truck potential. In Estonia, you can drive a 60t car train if the cargo is registered with an e-CMR waybill.

Google AI knows about eFTI Regulation
By Regulation 2020/1056 (“eFTI Regulation”), the responsible control authorities of all modes of transport are required to collect the legally required freight transport information from companies in electronic form (instead of paper) from the end of 2025, if the information is available through certified eFTI platforms. For entrepreneurs, the electronic form of transmission is initially optional. In the first phase, it will affect all modes of transport, combined transport, cabotage, dangerous goods, waste and aviation security.

From the university bench to world improvers
We have contributed to the digitization of food rescue and developed a digital waybill and warehouse management for EatB4 and Food Bank.
The system, created with the support of volunteers, today helps many low-income people all over Estonia to get help from large retail chains, which donate unsuitable but perfectly suitable foodstuffs to the Food Bank. This difficult but important work can be made easier by creating digital channels for data exchange and freeing people from paper documents to enter data into computers.
Club of Digital Logistics enthusiasts has started
Together with the Logistics Institute of Tallinn Technical University of Applied Sciences, we started the “Innovation Club” seminar series, which brings together logistics experts from Estonia and further afield and offers interesting discussions to bring innovation to logistics.
The first seminar had a total of nearly 30 interested people from both Estonia and Finland, and the topic was interesting and a topic of discussion. The digitization of maritime transport is of great importance in the whole supply chain view and FIATA is one of the main codifiers in this respect. The representatives of FIATA and Cargo X platform shared their experiences.

Digital Logistics Center of Excellence in ITS Estonia
Yesterday, the general meeting of ITS Estonia took place, where a new management group was also elected, which now includes Digilogistika Keskus for the coming years 🙂. There is a lot of work ahead and the challenges are exciting. We always find opportunities for those who know and want to get actively involved, be it cooperation with universities, participation in lawmaking, testing pilot projects in logistics or development of solutions.